What is it that stops us from pursuing our dream to be a creator? Do we believe we’re too old? Or, too young? Don’t have enough money to get started? Don’t have the right education? Have too many priorities in the way? We’ve all heard the stories that have proven that these are not real factors against achieving our dreams, but we allow our inner voices to control our thoughts.
What happens when we submit to a show and get rejected? Or when a gallery that we’d set as a goal to represent our work tells us ‘no’? Or when we receive a critique of our work that cuts deep into our soul and sets us back? If we allow it, our inner voices can be so powerful. They tell us to accept our situation or justify our circumstances and that can cause us to hesitate moving toward our dreams.
As a creator, I’m familiar with feeling like I’m beating my head against the wall, that it’s no use to press on. I’ve had doors close and felt that dejection – but I only allow it for a moment. I made a decision in my career to set those feelings aside, evaluate the situation, and move to find the solution. Most often, it’s to raise my skill level, hone my business approach, or develop a stronger marketing attack.
I can only guess that it’s my passion for being a creator that helps me with this resolve. If I can give you any advice to help you overcome those feelings of despair, it would be to feed your passion.
When you have a moment, read all of the lyrics of this song. They’re so powerful. The verses tell us to get outside of ourselves, to stretch our vision, and to take chances. I hope that you’ll stop allowing your dreams to pass you by. I hope you dance!
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Terry C Hall
Early on, Terry’s passion for art led her to numerous courses and workshops, leading to a career as a professional fine artist in 2009. She has earned numerous awards with purchases by both corporate and private collectors while exhibiting in 34 major museum shows and several gallery group exhibitions. Residing in Bozeman, Montana, Terry’s contemporary style is a result of exploring the colors and essence of the West viewed through the lens of more than 30 years of work in design and illustration.
Love this, Terry! I know you’re dancing every day!